3x Leads Generated from Google Ads without Increasing Ad Spend

Don’t Spend Another $ On Google Ads Until You’ve Installed ConvertBoost

Have You Ever Wondered Why You Had So Many Clicks But So Few Conversions?

ConvertBoost Exists To Solve This Problem!

ConvertBoost helps you generate 3x more Leads from your current Google Ads.


Founding Story

Our Founders spent $60k on Google Ads for a previous business they started. They would consistently get clicks, but less conversions than they expected.

After feeling like they were throwing away money on these missed leads, they thought: what if we could find the qualified people who are clicking on our ads but did not convert?

We realized that most people who are click on Google Ads are signed in, and that we could use recent advancements in AI to identify up to 50% of the people who are clicking on ads and not converting.

And with that ConvertBoost was born!

Since then we’ve helped Boost Conversions for 100+ B2B Companies across 20+ Industries!

How Does It Work


Input your ideal customers

This includes job titles, industries they work in, and locations that might be a good fit. 


Add ConvertBoost to Your Google Ads & Site 

ConvertBoost will connect to your Google Ads Account and Website / Landing Page provider. 


Watch as leads start coming in! 

You’ll receive leads sent to your email address. 

Integrations to various softwares available at an extra cost. 


Case Study

Deliverability Ninja was spending $3,000 / mo on Google Ads across 3 Landing Pages. 

Before ConvertBoost

365 Clicks / mo leading to ~10 demos per month. 

More than 350 people who visited their Landing Page but didn't convert!

Results after implementing ConvertBoost:

The month after installing ConvertBoost, we identified ~120 people who clicked and generated 60 Sales Qualified Leads!

Deliverability Ninja generated over $120,000 in Revenue from those 60 qualified leads!

-Deliverability Ninja Founder, Namit Jindal

Before learning about ConvertBoost we almost had to turn off our Google Ads Spend as we were not getting the ROI we were hoping for. ConvertBoost has turned Google Ads from a break even marketing channel to one of our highest performing channels! 

How To Get Started


Make sure ConvertBoost is right for you:

Your company is a B2B Business

Spending at least $1000 / mo on Google Search Ads

Your primary CTA is requesting a lead form be filled out or scheduling a call / demo


Book a call with ConvertBoost here to discuss your current Paid Search Stats and our plans. 

We are looking forward to meeting you! 

ConvertBoost Founders (Grayson Faircloth and Ahmed Sharraf)

The Average B2B Business has a <3% conversion rate on their Google Ads. 

That means you are missing out on 97% of visitors who are interested enough to click your ad, but didn't convert. 

We call these people Clickurious.

ConvertBoost's software turns those Clickurious visitors into real qualified leads for your sales team.

© ConvertBoost 2025 | All Rights Reserved.

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